17 September 2020


Within the canon of Trespasser, this herbivorous dinosaur is one of the two species of sauropods inhabiting Isla Sorna and also the largest dinosaur that lives there. 

Trespasser: Jurassic Park; Script: John Hammond (June 1997)

Brachiosaurus is mentioned in two places in this document, on pages 29 and 39. On page 29, Hammond introduces this dinosaur via two voiceovers as their oldest creation and mentions its giant size which surpasses other dinosaurs. These voiceovers were recorded and designated VH117 and VH118. According to their location in the voiceover list, they were probably part of the Plantation House level.

VH117: Brachiosaur – oldest of our re-creations by 50 million years. The only true Jurassic native.


VH118: One of the largest creatures ever to live, the brachiosaur moved like planets among the smaller species.


On page 39, among the voiceovers intended for the Plains level, is a mention that a Brachiosaurus or several Triceratops possess a challenge even for such strong and dangerous predators as the Tyrannosaurus. Because this voiceover has not been recorded, it does not have its own designation.

A T-Rex wins against anything except a brachiosaur, or several triceratops, or a good jeep on a good road.


Walkthrough (August 1997)

Here, too, Brachiosaurus is mentioned in two places, in the levels Industrial Jungle (p. 8) and Plains (p. 15). In the concept of the Industrial Jungle level, a lone Brachiosaurus grazes partway in the lake, which the player must overcome on a raft that was left there by the InGen hunting party.

A brachiosaur grazes peacefully partway in the lake, and raises his head curiously when Anne approaches.  Otherwise, he leaves her be unless we decide it would be more fun to have him stomp around and get in her way.


In the concept of the Plains level, Brachiosaurs represents one of the many species of dinosaurs that inhabit this area, and their size makes them unmissable from a great distance.

Brachiosaurs are visible in the extreme distance, grazing on the few trees, and nearby a stegosaurus family and a pair of triceratops drink from the same.



Among Anne's voiceovers is only one mentioning Brachiosaurus (p. 13). Anne complains about the incredible smell that these herbivores give off as she approaches one of them. This voiceover was recorded and designated VA63. According to its placement in the voiceover list, it was probably supposed to be part of the Plantation House level.

VA63: Now that is an incredible smell.


Promotional Materials

Among the promotional materials is one staged promotional image, probably taken in one of the earliest versions of the game's engine. It shows a Tyrannosaurus running to a herd of Brachiosaurs standing on the edge of a coniferous forest. This scene probably supposed to be from the Plantation House level, as the presence of both dinosaur species in this level was confirmed by Anne's voiceovers. 

Development Builds (September-October 1998)

The oldest preserved version of the game including a Brachiosaurus model is the development build 96. A total of three Brachiosaurs occur in the Beach and InGen Town levels. In the Beach level, there are two subadults, in a small valley, above which leads the path from the starting beach to the interior. No voiceovers or music is played if the player approaches them. This version of the level is also found in the build 97. 

The subadult Brachiosaurs in the build 96/97

The third subadult Brachiosaurus in the InGen Town level is located off the map, and under normal circumstances, the player has no chance to meet it. However, its presence confirms the at least planned implementation of the above-mentioned concept of the Plains level, the remnant of which was merged with the InGen Town level during the development of the game. This version of the level is also found in the preserved builds 97, 99, and 103. 

The Brachiosaurus in InGen Town level in the builds 96/97, 99 and 103

In the Beach level in the build 99, one of the subadults was replaced by an adult (it is the same model, only enlarged). This change applies to the build 103 and all later builds, including the Official Strategy Guide (p. 79) and the retail version 116d/117. As of the build 103, the music track Reveal Dinosaur Plains, originally intended for the Plantation House level, is activated near both brachiosaurs, when approached.

The adult (on the right) and the subadult Brachiosaurs

The Retail Version 116d/117 (October/November 1998)

In the retail version of the game, in addition to the two Brachiosaurs mentioned above in Beach level, there is one subadult in the Jungle Road level, near the last section of the monorail called the Final Exam. In the Beach level, the encounter with the Brachiosaurs is introduced by Hammond's voiceover VH117, and if the player approaches one of them, the comment VA63 is activated.

The Brachiosaurus in the Jungle Road level


  • Hammond's claim that the Brachiosaurus is historically the oldest dinosaur cloned by InGen (within the Trespasser canon) is not true, as the Stegosaurus lived from 155 to 150 million years ago.
  • Brachiosaurus is the only dinosaur in the game for which a subadult model has been created.
  • The encounter with the Brachiosaurs as the first dinosaurs in the game is likely to evoke a scene from Jurassic Park (1993), where the inspection team also met these sauropods as the first dinosaurs on the island.
  • According to the Official Strategic Guide, the Brachiosaurus is 25 meters long, 14 meters high (body 5.5 meters high) and weighs over 45 tons (p. 25).
  • The Brachiosaurs in the retail version possess no danger to the player and it is not possible to kill them by ordinary means. However, if the player approaches the subadults in the build 96/97, they will attack them.
  • Although a model of a subadult Brachiosaurus is used in the Jungle Road level, its polygon mesh belongs to the adult model and is located outside it.

ANNE SELECTIONS, DreamWorks Interactive 1998.
Kramer, Greg, Trespasser Official Strategy Guide, Indiana: Brady Publishing 1998.
Walkthrough, DreamWorks Interactive 1997.
Trespasser, DreamWorks Interactive 1998.
Trespasser: Jurassic Park; Script: John Hammond, DreamWorks Interactive 1997.

20 August 2020

Příběh Trespasseru

Rok po událostech ze Ztraceného světa leží Stanoviště B v rozvalinách, avšak stále nenarušené vnějšími silami. Nenajde se nikdo dostatečně chamtivý nebo odvážný, aby oživil Hammondův sen nebo využil to, co z něj zbylo; incident v San Diegu tomu učinil konec. Nikdo však neshromáždil ani dostatek odvahy či prostředků na vyhubení tvorů na ostrově, aby zabránil jejich dalším únikům. Osud ostrova obestírají byrokratické kličky a neutuchající nedůvěra, zda toto místo vůbec existuje.

Vy, jako Anne, jste ohledně toho skeptičtí, ale události z jižní Kalifornie vás donutí sáhnout po Hammondově knize. Mohla by to být pravda? Ten člověk je natolik šílený, aby si to celé vymyslel. Ale co, zakončíte to, pravdu se nejspíš nikdy nedozvíme. Jaká ironie.

Posledního půl roku jste se toulali, cestovali za účelem nalezení smyslu své života, kým byste měli být. Právě na jednom z těchto výletů, na palubě malého charterového letadla letícího na jih směrem ke Golfitu, oblíbeného letoviska v Kostarice, vám osud v jistém smyslu poskytne odpověď. Něco se stane a letadlo havaruje poblíž souostroví známého jako Cinco Muertes.

Přežijete pád nezranění a podaří se vám dostat až k pobřeží ostrova Isla Sorna (známého jako "Stanoviště B") než ztratíte vědomí. Když se probudíte, nová kapitola tohoto příběhu začíná.

Kramer, Greg, Trespasser Official Strategy Guide, Indiana: Brady Publishing 1998.
Trespasser, DreamWorks Interactive 1998.

17 August 2020

Canon and Timeline of the Historical Events of Trespasser

Although Trespasser was promoted as "the digital sequel to The Lost World," various factors, such as the budget for purchasing licenses or parallel development with the film, caused that it did not entirely fit into film continuity and canon. Some changes were made in dinosaur designs, locations, and the shape of Isla Sorna, where the game takes place. The course of some events did not escape the changes either. Since the interconnection between the individual media under the Jurassic Park / World brand is not as tight as, for example, in the case of Star Wars, the world of Trespasser is built from three primary sources, which are:

  • films Jurassic Park (1993) and The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997) directed by Steven Spielberg
  • novels Jurassic Park (1990) and The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1995) by Michael Crichton
  • original content added by the developers of the game

However, even within the Trespasser itself, it was not so easy or so simple as it appeared. Due to complications and the hurried development of the game, audio files containing, among other things, information about historical events of Trespasser remained unused or were deleted. Information on the existence of files with this data, together with other similarly oriented materials, comes from the following currently known sources:

  • files of the final and development versions of the game
  • The Official Strategy Guide
  • design documents (Walktrough, Hammond Numbers, ANNE SELECTIONS)
  • the original script of Hammond's voiceovers
Some of these sources partially overlap, others are completely unique. The timeline below is a compilation of information from all known sources. 

Approximately between the years 900-1500 AD

Isla Sorna is colonized by the Mayan civilization, and its members establish their settlements here.


A coffee plantation was founded on Sorna by the Spaniards.


March 14 - date of birth of John Parker Hammond.


Fifteen-year-old Hammond leaves his home, motivated by seeking his fortune.


Hammond attends Lord Darley's charity luncheon. He meets there "a very pleasant young woman," to whom he begins to have unrequited feelings (according to the original script of Hammond's voiceovers, this supposed to happen in 1949).

1968 (?)

Estimated year of Anne's birth.


One morning in New York, Hammond is awakened by the idea of ​​the existence of dinosaur DNA preserved in the body of a mosquito trapped in amber. He comes up with the idea to Stanford geneticist Norman Atherton and together they found the International Genetic Technologies (InGen).


Hammond surveys countless small islands in the Caribbean and Pacific. 


Hammond, Robert Muldoon, and the survey team visit Sorna for the first time.


InGen hires Robert Muldoon, Dennis Nedry, and Dr. Henry Wu.


InGen holds 13 new patents (according to the original script of Hammond's voiceovers, this supposed to happen in 1985).

The town of Burroughs was founded on Sorna.

November - test fertilization of an artificial ovum (according to the original script of Hammond's voiceovers, this supposed to happen in 1985).

Anne is in her first year of high school.


April 22 - Release of the first raptor (according to the original script of Hammond's voiceovers, this supposed to happen 1986).


The first dinosaur to prove viable in the modern age was a small Albertosaur, revision three-oh-eight. It had behavioral quirks and a chronic skin infection, but it lived.

Note: Because the date of release of the first raptor was changed during the development of the game (the year 1986 was replaced by 1985), this information became invalid considering the final version of Trespasser's historical events.


The first dinosaurs reached their full size.


February 5 - a survey of the southern part of the island took place in order to find potential locations for the hotel and the monorail station.

Hammond encounters the alpha female Velociraptor.

Summer - an abnormally large and atypically colored tyrannosaurus moves to the northern part of the island.

Winter - mainland construction workers begin work on an elevated transit system, later known as the Atherton Causeway, that would unify the island.


May - the foundations of the hotel are laid on the south beach of Isla Sorna.

Jurassic Park on Isla Nublar is almost complete.

August 27 - the incident on Isla Nublar.

October 3 - Hammond is giving his testimony to the government panel in Washington DC.

The tug ship Emily is scuttled due to quarantine measures required by the United States government.


March 15 - the planned opening of Atherton's Causeway.


Hammond meets Harold Greenwood for the first time.


October - Hammond is removed from the head of InGen's board of directors and replaced by his nephew, Peter Ludlow, who sends his team to Sorna.


May 13 - InGen's hunting party lands on the island.


Thursday, April 30 / Friday, May 1 - A small charter plane en route to Golfito, Costa Rica crashes off the coast of Sorna with a young woman named Anne on board,.

Friday, May 1, 16:29:10 - Anne reboots the Cray XMP computer in the laboratory complex.

Trespasser, DreamWorks Interactive 1998.
Kramer, Greg, Trespasser Official Strategy Guide, Indiana: Brady Publishing 1998.
ANNE SELECTIONS, DreamWorks Interactive 1998.
Hammond Numbers (2),  DreamWorks Interactive 1997.
Walkthrough, DreamWorks Interactive 1997.
Trespasser: Jurassic Park; Script: John Hammond, DreamWorks Interactive 1997.

Úvod k Trespasseru

Většina lidí, která s pojmem Trespasser někdy přišla do kontaktu, si nejspíš vybaví velmi zabugovanou hru, která byla víc frustrující než zábavná. Po jistou dobu byl Trespasser dokonce synonymem pro neúspěch, považovaný také za nejhorší hru historie. Ale to nebyla tak úplně pravda. Trespasser měl potenciál být revoluční. Tým vývojářů se pokoušel o věci, které nikoho předtím ani nenapadly. Riskovali a neuspěli, avšak Trespasser zůstává milníkem her založených na fyzice. Vývojářský tým Half-Life 2 se nechal slyšet, že byl velmi ovlivněn prací, která byla odvedena na Trespasseru. Jak se tedy hře, která měla tolik potenciálu podařilo tak neuvěřitelně pohořet? Pro pochopení celé věci je potřeba jít na samotný začátek...

V roce 1996, během natáčení druhého Jurského parku s názvem Ztracený svět, měl malý tým herních vývojářů ze studia DreamWorks Interactive velké plány vytvořit nejrealističtější a nejzajímavější hru, která kdy existovala. Jejich představou byla hra, ve které měl mít hráč naprostou volnost a mohl interagovat s neuvěřitelně detailním a realistickým světem. Sám Steven Spielberg přinášel nápady do hry a snažil se ji co nejvíc provázat s filmem. Programátoři se snažili implementovat nejen velice detailní grafický engine, ale také zcela nový fyzikální engine, který by působil na kterýkoliv objekt ve hře. 

Jakmile existovala hlavní myšlenka, vytvořili několik designových návrhů a prezentovali svou práci na E3. Nejen že jejich nápady byly vynikající, ale také grafický engine byl tak revoluční, že jím lidé byli zcela ohromeni. Bylo to hlavně z toho důvodu, že neexistoval žádný engine, který by se tomuto byť jen přibližoval. Engine hry Quake I byl v té době tím nejnovějším a neobsahoval obrovská venkovní prostředí jako engine Trespasseru. 

Jak šel čas, herní magazíny začaly dělat rozhovory z vývojáři Trespasseru. Na veřejnost se tak dostávalo stále víc informací o hře. Z tohoto důvodu do ní museli vývojáři zakomponovat další prvky, čímž se sami zatlačili do kouta. Nejen že mnoho prvků teprve čekalo na zakomponování, ale také jim docházel čas. Hra byla ve vývoji už přes dva roky a vývojáři se stále potýkali se zásadními problémy. Například fyzikální engine během hraní často nefungoval a zpomaloval hru až do okamžiku, kdy způsobil její spadnutí. Vývojáři byli nakonec donuceni vydat hru v jen částečně stabilním stavu tak jak byla, dokud ji nebudou moci vylepšit pomocí patchů. Aby byla hra více stabilní, programování dinosaurů bylo upraveno tak, aby nemohli vstupovat do budov, jinak by hrozilo, že uvíznou ve dveřích a zdech. Vynechány byly také některé dinosauří aktivity a vyjmuty dokonce celé levely, jelikož některé jejich části nebyly hratelné. 

V tomto okamžiku lidé stále očekávali jednu z nejlepších her všech dob, takže když byl Trespasser vydán studiem DreamWorks Interactive v roce 1998 a několik betaverzí bylo posláno herním magazínům, nebyla to hra, kterou veřejnost očekávala. Studio DreamWorks nedokázalo dostát svým dřívějším slibům a herní engine, který vydali, byl příliš náročný pro tehdejší počítače. Trespasser celkově dostal velmi nízká hodnocení, některé magazíny ho označily za nejhorší hru všech dob. O několik týdnů později byl vydán opravný patch, ale na nápravu už bylo příliš pozdě. Nikdo nechtěl zabugovanou hru a pozornost se přesunula na novou hru, Half-Life. 

Trespasseru se prodalo pouze 50 000 kopií a ačkoliv je málo pravděpodobné, že se hra někdy dočká oficiálního oživení, má dodnes velmi aktivní fanouškovskou základnu vytvářející obsah pro tuto hru. Této komunitě se také podařilo získat velké množství vývojářských materiálů zahrnujících například vývojářské dokumenty a rozpracované verze hry prozrazující informace ze zákulisí jejího vzniku. 

Tímto vás tedy vítám ve světě jedinečné hry s velmi pohnutým osudem, jejíž jméno je Trespasser!